Archive for the ‘Tax’ Category

Midyear 1099’s, why you need to worry about them in July.

Posted on by Financial Connections LLC

Worry about 1099’s in July….why? So it’s July why would you need to worry about 1099’s mid year? Reason being why wait…why wait till December or January when those businesses you paid a year ago may not be so findable anymore.   Whether a business you paid is still in business,  moved or has closed their […]

Midyear Bookkeeping Catch Up

Posted on by Financial Connections LLC

Don’t wait to get your books up to date It’s the middle of the year and instead of waiting until December or January to get your books current why not do it now. This is one of the biggest mistakes business owners make, waiting until the year is over to play catch up with their financials. […]

Welcome to our blog

Posted on by Financial Connections LLC

Welcome to the Financial Connections blog.  Make sure to follow us on Facebook or Google+ to stay up to date on changes in small business reporting and tax law.


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